
Showing posts from October, 2018

Planning my next-month's income from CA state General Relief money ($221) , I came across an iPad Air 2 on craigslist

I was super excited to find an iPad 128 within my specs in a craigslist search After discovering that the "iPad 128" search query on craigslist (without quotes, though), has been, and is, apparently, still being spammed with tons of bulk iPad buyer ads. Ostensibly, it's keeping some people busy and we'll go do, enough, to get by like that, aside from doing development work in establishing their own discoverability and merit in putting out content as far as advertising goes. That's just my take on it, after having done craigslist stuff for about 10 years before everything gave out as far as willing clients in the tech and sys and computers section,

I keep getting put out of my spot where I can charge my device and get online; now I'm on the corner trying to get some money.

CanOn top of that, I had my bag of warm clothes stolen from me the other day,  and I was yelled at, in the restroom, at Target at USC, for no particular reason except that I was homeless and smaller than a larger man. I had supposed that it was not that disparaging, since the man was Japanese, and he had a particularly expectable Asian restraint on himself, as far as an immediate violent threat was concerned, yet he was threatening, nonetheless, and it's a bit strange to begin with. On one hand, it's so ostensible of a dysfunctional family life that he lives out, of any sort of thing to consider about himself. Aside from that, I would suppose that he takes drugs, every now and then, just like I do, except that I'm in the more acutely threatened and disparaged situation and circumstance in life.  I was followed to GP Recycling Center by black people. It's turning out, in all sorts of ways, that black people simply choose to fuck with me and my family, and supposedly it&#

Now, in Google Mobile Android and iOS App and WebApp Development, I've attained getting AdMob and I'm working on creating an app for the Google Play Store with Firebase.

A Google My Maps walk down through the Arts District after spending the day at the homeless charging spot by Grand Park on Spring Street.

Image Oops, apparently I was being stalked [or something...] as I heard them stalking me, as the young gay admittedly guy from the park from a while ago, undoubtedly, was the cry leader for rent control yes, on proposition 10,out in front of Target, and then a bunch of people came up here uncharacteristically, and Colleen or whatever her name is started making bland confessions of "oh, yeah fuckkk... Yeah, I told them to come out and fuck with you up there, and show up, etc., not much," kind of thing. Aside from that, I found a bit of food along the way. I ended up finding some food and a decent thin cigar out by the Starbucks off of Olympic at Hill or Olive Now I'm getting to sleep for a bit out at Pigeon Island . I'm trying to keep the LA Superior Court app cached, as well as a pipe organ app (Orgue).

A stark sign of unsustainable developments and surveillance DC grid draw on energy, water, and gas over recent weeks in Los Angeles, leading up to the election: Chinatown, DTLA, California Metro Station, many other sites, (to add).

The fact that the Los Angeles State Historic Park is a .com site is fairly strange,  given that it's supposed to be a specifically state of California park,  yet many sites and small publications I've seen around this area are particularly surrounded by despicable hate crimes against me, in particular,  as well as perhaps others, in that the timing of the releases of information as well as the release of information in publication form, of any sort, proves to have been either post-dated publication or perhaps simply falsified entirely; especially so, on account of the significant vast frequency of this occurrence in having had happened recently.  I'll collect more images shortly, when I'm in a more stable place to walk around and photograph things without being bothered by people.  The Los Angeles State Historic Park has been turned in to a .com domain geo-informational site supposedly owned and run as a company in the sense that the web domain for the park is a .com. T

A Google Civic Development API Places etc. Small Project at Rampart at Wilshire.

Wi Spa, 2700 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057

A hungry pigeon carnival Blogger™ site developer trawls around DTLA and pedhayps up Wilshire for some food and recyclables

See me on Google Maps! YouTube Channel

Whole Foods, DTLA, California Review on Google Local Guides.

Check out this review of Whole Foods Market on Google Maps

Google Local Guides Review for FIGat7th in DTLA, Los Angeles, California.

Check out this review of FIGat7th on Google Maps

An unexpected turn of events in green pine cone burgeoning sapling ad hoc research: an ad hoc burgeoning of instantaneous sproutling and mineral growth upon Del Mar Park puddle un-mud-covering wash-off of the green pine cone.

I didn't have batteries to video tape it, and it would have been particularly sight beyond belief, as I spun the pine cone around in the early morning gutter puddles of Del Mar Park, in Pasadena. The green pine cone, being covered in mud, as I had it, to preserve the progress I'd made of last time: using it as an incense resin development tool; here, the life energy of the pine cone was brought forth as an experiment of the localization I found myself in, being squaftph'ed of my strength in csrryinv recyclables further, through the park: one day, and I ended up babbling to a supposed oppositional force, being the drinking alcohol sort, which happens to be a common (delusional) belief that I have of the nearby watering hole, by the train station. As I spent the night out there, perhaps later I'll expand upon it; I spotted, just prior to watering time for the lawn: some notions of ionically empowered creatures of parasitical sort, along with what appeared to just as well

A reasonably meritous slake at perhaps a state or federal government-subsidized research basis for sustainability, biological threat socioeconomic ecologies-inquiry watershed energy slog deprecation of a locality in significant development of railway transit, a defiant California clean air driver's identity of living Los Angeles-tastastic, and etc. : Case study in point: do garbage slog demographics and recyclables collectors merit the hold-over of what would otherwise seem to have been a need for bees to discover flowering plants for sustenance; yet: garbage and recyclables (video)

So, last night was a somewhat  : * °/-..√ [Okay] : an obvious reality wider scope insight about last night in Los Angeles is that there's some various, (perhaps) organizational eyes in on what merits: Short basis mockup list as by memory and subjective experience: Quick stub as to a backdrop, first: I hung out with an iconic slake on a standardized AF all for it, real one: white guy. Any tastastic sprawl-legged young slake on ad hoc totally slake on racially-demographically penis investment in fintech drunken underage talk-up circles of disparagement teenage substance abuse lifestyle of a "growing up white" take on some issues in life: Yet reality basis: perhaps not truthfully quite what this guy's actual self is about; he just had an iconic slake on about how I happened to get along with him, socially, as a tobacco enthusiast outlying fringes audience of the sometimes skate spot  : Grand at 1st , (this link features a particularly useful and succinct take on what m