
Showing posts from March, 2021

An updating collection of noted civic etiquette failures and proper solutions.

  I commonly encounter victim profiling encounters from the lower classes, as I'm out and about town, while I tend to my daily needs and responsibilities.  For example, the topic at hand that I feel compelled to address is an encounter that may have otherwise turned in to what would considerably be a targeting of me, as a victim for a crime - simple or more elaborate than the superficiality of that someone from the lower classes exists on the streets, same as I do, and we happen to have ended up at a common spot in public, of where I'd choose to settle down for a moment, for needs to rest, for example, yet how common ought this sort of encounter exist, considering that I'm well-traveled, on foot, through areas in which I'm familiarized with, and of that I come to expect that common enough thresholds of tolerable existence amongst us, in physical proximity considerations, becomes at issue when social slights at establishing criminality and threats to public safety and de

A cute noodling | nesting materials-preparation pigeon. (Photoblog)

  As it's springtime in Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA) | South | Central Los Angeles, and neighboring urban locales, it's time for the seasonal reawakening of life, from out of many concerns and troubles over survivability of the young, given that they are featherless, save for some scant downy fuzz feathers. Many types of birds whom have not been farmed nearly as much, to a standard, as chickens, for example, have chicks that emerge from the egg, bearing feathers. Perhaps in the future, we could work towards a project goal of seeing the birds lay babies that emerge from the egg: feathered; for being more well nourished, over generations.  Here, I spotted a cute one; this pigeon is showing off it's interests in the things laying around, of interest. 

Adapting Virtues of Asian Heritage and Culture in to our American Concepts of Progress, in Conflict Resolution. [stub]

  Of the various Buddhist cultural heritages, in which I (off-handedly) identify three distinctions that make their way through and in to the modern day: Japanese meditative and chanting style of Buddhism, Chinese form, largely unknown to me, although the fat seated man, "full of riches of life," so to speak, as a prominent Chinese figurative symbol that makes it's way in to knick knacks of cultural commodities, say, for example, in Chinatown sorts of storefront offerings of cultural effects; the third variant being the various cultural and religious lineages of Buddhism of the South Asian Subcontinent of India and nearby Pakistan, Tibet, and perhaps Nepal (Nepal being correlated due to my encounters with the nation being associated in cuisine, not that I've identified them as a formerly Buddhist culture).  According to Pew Forum , which is America's statistics resource in expertise, and authority, in my summation, Buddhist influences take us, as more youthful sor

How to save on Coinbase |Pro| transaction fees - Transfer back and forth method.

  Even in the instances in which a new or novice trader is adept enough in managing transactions in day trading (quick and volatile types of trades) in Coinbase, or Coinbase Pro, there ought to be some respite from scaling in to all-out trading madness, which is sometimes inherent in doing such a thing as quick trading. [At this point in time, a few weeks in to taking a dip in the cryptocurrency trading and investment thing], I encountered a simple little loophole that helps cut out the fees involved in converting from some transaction pairs in Coinbase Pro - as that the fiat currency pairs, which are purchased with USD, and the stablecoin markets, which are purchased (mostly) with USDC, feature familiar currency pairs, from having started out in Coinbase, as a trading platform, and therefore, we had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the cryptocurrencies as enterprise and organizational foundries, with some purpose and meaning behind them. This sort of thing helps build aff

A ceiling cat pigeon pair (photo)

Although I haven't been around to check on them much, lately, since, and somewhat because there's no feeding allowed at this pigeon flock hangout (at the Union Station Gold Line Metro), I caught this pigeon being cute, up in their roost and nesting spot, by the benches. It reminded me of the old ceiling cat meme motif.

Patterns and Signals Trading as the Modus a Pro Priare (as such that I hear it could ought be construed).

  And then, (in fact), priare is a word, from the Latin, [ostensibly so]. Here's what some scrum and fuzz from such an obscure context being queried shows up as, in both Yahoo search and Google, when I asked them to translate or define "priare."  Butt shuttle, though, the first piece of the mystery-resolved, already - is how I felt, in ascribing a priare,  in the first place - which is okay, since I'm just writing stuff out, and publishing it on my own channel, and of that it's not simple flutz-bwopp-slade, of organic usage - it simply happened to be: [oh, well, you'll see. Just look at the search results, here. Well, nevermind, about the first thing claim. I'm out and about, in Downtown Los Angeles, (California, USA), and it's late, and this is how the images uploaded (in order): But, as you'd see, here, in this third image, an author on Scribd had priare covered, in it's ostensible Latin epistemology and original usage, with traditions bearin