Cute iOS App Crushes for The Professionally Considerate iPad ❤️’ers Graphic Design GFX Mock-up « Whatever » Gig-pay Artisan of iPad au jour Denizenry [Draft]

Cute iOS App Crushes for The Professionally Considerate iPad ❤️’ers Graphic Design GFX 

Mock-up « Whatever » 

Gig-pay Artisan of iPad au jour Denizenry

an Enterprise Grandiosity Psychologically-post-Freudian Public Persona Facial Wherewithal Astute Typology; Sex-Offender Jaunt Trifles None-wha-huh-who?


None Whatsoever Typology.


Nuclear-Identity Periphery Proximity Marketing Radiation-Gamma-Sustainable Watershed Persona Development Cycle Persona - Standard Boundaries, for Aesthetics Finery of the Humanities. 

That being said, this article is the hand-over-hand-in-hand true iPad blog-lifestyle of tech-dieter crash-food craze asifever... 🙄 then, (perhaps, over time, etc. exigencies of outcomes, given valid jaunted buntiglios of shitsicles, various counting schemes; definite facie-selfie « check-its » valid sober stance mirror moments - for heterosexuality, at the forefront of the jaunt-stated purpose. 

That being said, this content has been cleared by the most already-watershed graphics-design-of-iOS iPad srsly non-fuckin’ aficionados stance of valid prêt-pelletier no-ass glance back at y’a sideways about letting a fart out, this one’s definitely tissue-stuffed fart-leisurely passable recreation for both genders.

That being the case, as it were, I worry much less about « if I’m offensive » about fletching my ass-happenstance in valid Christian shamefulness, unh-uhh, now I am free to do about iOS App Store perusal as a valid supporter of the corporate capitalist trifling-jibs one-off marketing outpost that is as is such: the iOS iTunes App Store, of such happenstance-also recursive exigent drama; yet some people jaunt pigeons, and that’s where I lay my clutch: the lil’ darling aficionado love-cycling relationship of the validly iPad-as-stated aficionado lore culture: it’s valid, without yet as much as I did that okay happenstance wherewithal of a perhaps had-had-to « needs-be » non-concomitant avec les offrent d’leurs sexualities, to be as so much French as have-happenstance wherewithal:

All government organization ligature psychological babble aside: what more could they do to stop people from jaunting no « fingernails no more » jaunt shitzi-tiglios way more jaunted than frostbite lately; it’s June 2nd already in some places, according to as-happened to be Cupertino Time Zone mock-up map-mapping AR-arbitrary-of mapping augmented-reality have-happenstance wherewithal: continuing among the classical traditions of humanities and science; mathematics, etc. 

[Euclid’s 13 Books of the Elements gave way to hundreds upon dozens, at least; of proper taskmanship artisan roles for academically-inclined finery] or constructively somewhat « at least » valid basis foundations for the algorithmic ML and Data Visualization Aesthetics establishments that some of the more handiwork-vested infographies of naturally sustainable recursive developments, to speak of, etcetera. 

Orthographic projections of engineering industries planar views and proportional dynamic dimensional physics rendering is still in development as a macro and micro science in art aesthetics, to this day. 

The app production development teams on these curated selections of a project of open-source common stance; buy from the App Store; get superior choice and capabilities in iOS mobile graphic design, in comparison to jailbreaking personas that are so commonly a « stated jaunt Tweaker trifle », in French brackets for quotations, as according to the AZERTY standard; for me, it’s an iPad thing. 

Get a good 2013 or later model iPad Air or better, big screen is good; and 128 GB of storage. That’s what I’m running, for $175 off of craigslist, from the computers and tech section. I live in Los Angeles; I’m perhaps somewhat fortunate, comparatively. 

Make it a jaunt athleisurely lifestyle-destination vacation and wash up here as a gutter dump transvestite drug-seeking demographic from out where you came from. (I’ll leave my door open and a pair of good-‘nough panties in a pile of crap in my closet for when I’m out jaunting: about town...) for the hapless street-dwelling serious needs-for-an-iPad « of blog lifestyle » aficionado stated stance: you can check my latest facile-selfie - it’s clear. 


Just don’t let me catch you smoking drugs in my place: there’s families around, and I’m running a pigeon institute, here. The closet check-status persona hamster wheel mock-up au jour is to die for: just a 90 block walk from DTLA. No franchise or co-location network PrimeTime mockery of a valid shortcoming: a jaunted ass panties-aficionado-stated ass gutta-ass lifestyle, you find yourself; have at it, just no weird shit, and no noise. No smoking the drugs, either; some people don’t believe it when they hear it, but trust me: I totally did one-off trifling entrepreneurial mock-up narcissistic outstanding achiever; perhaps as such as « I do my own 🇵🇷 Puerto Rico » establishment finery coterie au jour (somewhat of the belief that that’s about fine cuts of meat: and that’s what you get here - a jaunt trifling « more than you asked for, better than you could expect » as far as psychologically forensics talk-of-the-Town, slight celebrities, they’ll make you, for a jaunted-AF valid corner Olde English 800 stance on the subject - with valid oversight from professionals, distanced somewhat and enough (sic). 

That being said, all things aside: I assume all things Christian and good-natured in mankind; you might deny a valid pantries-aficionado stance-stated jaunted needs-to-have-besides drug-abuse recovery stance, but some people think that I just talk up a pigeon carnival wherewithal iPigeon finery talk; I’ve got some ionic minerals and M! Scaling at the Computer iOS App Store aficionado iTunes welfare-recipient chipping-away-at-it: yet even more iPad validly development scrum 2nd glance have-you on technology diet: eating pronz off the hibachi ain’t goin’ down like that all the time. A mock-up tranny to-speak-of hamster wheel persona theme park is have-at-it: 

The 3 hour video is coming: the mixes etc. need to be attenuated, and then, in measures: reintroduced as valid semantics for fodder iPigeon Carnival app enterprise institute speak-of you find me: I was mumbling, true; but this is my breakout on-camera persona, and, oh - the visuals! I almost forgot about the representation of a valid tech diet basis jaunt-level depravity standards development narcissist stance on development: blog. Dot dot dot... how bout you? The ever-sociable « just-good » dog, as Jim used to say. He’s just a good dog.

Now: we do I. 

Now, we do pigeons. Me, as in I, as of we. Validly précédent in the .com of iPigeon branding ad marketing; it’s got all the valid makings of a serious adulting-validly stance on a life’s formative aspects: orthographically sound; we do leans, do fletch, do jaunted AF trifling through the gutters for some just perhaps findings, to-do.

Regardless of all that, some people will simply just not do anything at all, by standards and measures, and thus take on a valid sexual identity depravity personality disorder mock-up water cooler « as-if » this is post coffee-shop beverage patron status du jour iPigeon linguistics fan: if anything, make it a caramel Frappuccino, extra caramel. Mmm... 

That being the basis of a jaunt mock-up persona campaign, all kinds of jaunt-oppositional demographics: for antériorité French momentous-of-novelties « finds-you » or others; I don’t get into that kind of nomenclature discussion to cast dispersions thereafter; I also so many things about life everything, in fact; yet some people - constituently sex offender, aside from all that, simply Freudian identity shortcoming happenstance mock-up speak-of, as a once-off, for some people. 

For some people, it passes. For others, it’s butterknifes out the grocery store for a pigeon-waffles young-enterprise carnival institute aesthetics auteur - as if it wasn’t also of valid armed forces to-speak-of folk nomenclature finery establishment talk-up, of caretakers, nonetheless, of the finery establishment such as iPigeon institute. 

All sorts of folklore nomenclature talk up of pigeons, to speak of. Some people take it differently.

Needless to say; I felt that the pigeons deserved an au jour grandiose des les française petit ecouterie Jean-blanc mock-up peasantry faire take on aesthetics of pigeons, as illustrative subjects, thus leading towards all sorts of thousands of words as towards non-Freudian shortcomings personalities typos and oppositional lean-to’s; as if the jaunted buntiglios lean status-stance knees-crumbling take on the subject was poor happenstance strange now enemy combatant black militant site - developing around me validly; and it’s public relations - I do talk-ups dès leurs, and I dunno 🤷‍♂️ 🤷🏾‍♀️ emojis of linguistic forthright bonjour-ing locality Apple proximity protocol networking also, how brand-marketing psychological... 


But seriously, cut it out on the Freudian slips. I wear females’ clothes, and it’s sometimes an issue, but I do validly 12 steps recovery. All things in substantiation to fletch, if you will: a pigeon racing-birds specialist

First off;

Second of all,

First of all. Some people change the subject from pigeons. Without any aficionado or love for the birds. It’s stated-as the biggest mistake of any man’s life, time in, and time again. 

Whereas some people...

Is this departure into a moment way more summer breeze casuals pussy of finery jaunt-buntiglios undoing of American standards: cleanliness, and then bleh... some people speak of strange and un-Christianly things. 🤷‍♂️ then I see such things in such plain sober view. Etc.

That being said, the affinity for an avid graphics-design artisan stewardship young jaunted as-classic as-Folger’s: how standard American AF is a kidney disorder? Trite shitsicles for the have-bits of coffee-STRf#ckerstry, I do Frappuccinos, grande, extra caramel, by the way, and you can find me in adult themes if necessary, as well. All within standards-ordinance of wow: someday soon, I’ll post the 3 hour video: 

Of a pigeon-fletch jaunt demographic; all sorts of Euclidean arrêter aesthetics are rawr-rawr-rawr-rawr... some people disparage the cute.

That being said: here’s the breakdown of several of my workflow aspirational attainments and tools of des leurs: the ones who do graphic design aesthetically « okay, I’m a narcissist » stance on some things, then they make it even worse, etc. Lifestyle blog tech diet aficionado relationships folklorist valid « blog ». I do blog valid leisure writing gigs-free: for tech-diet non-smoker demographics of tech diet aesthete, then I talk up a pigeon carnival institute enterprise, over waffles: standard as the liturgy - waffles, ... ehhh, I spoke of them already. The pigeon waffles.


Okay. The list.

Jay is a demographic for valid web standards arrête aux jours of a mock-up European Early Modern Period Aesthetic and Forensics watershed establishment in civilian society: he do’s why we have tables and anti-psychotic medications prescribed to us, as « standards committees. »

UI/UX design-standards-depravity model aesthetics, yet this one’s about iconic app icon vectorization workflow and novel endowments as towards highly beyond-aficionado STRf#cker TMZ mock-ups of tabloïds réputé: thèse are valid needs-to French-stated basis aesthetics about it: an aux jours des leurs: the home exhibition re-artisanship process, in digital form, in various aptitudes as of to speak of, such as to not become -as irrelevant. So many wordplay and valid ulterior motivés to an iOS love relationship debacle for the « athleisure », yet Nikes regardless and sometimes - the jaunt gets way speculative about body aesthetic OTG like, you know - carefully aromatherapeutics applied constituent happenstance speak of, that I do.


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