Possibly important news; lots went on since last post.

I believe that I started writing this following information some time around the past weekend's beginning, or so. The writings are factual as experienced by me, Jay Ammon.

-I'm being stalked by Brian Michaud early a.m. David Yang stayed up all night to lead him on in being profiled by me (forensically profiled for intelligence).

- Micah Goldberg / Electric of 9Electric is claiming to be a military leader. He's seeking violent assistance help from one of my nearby neighbors, conjecturally.

- That person spoke to me; ( possibly) he's somewhat of a hands-off of involving him on Micah's basis, he's generally very stable and I don't believe I offended him much.

- These guys are claiming that they "go to" the aforementioned guy, and, that being a posteriori knowledge and somewhat in suggestive notion that my life would be plotted out to get involved with the guy/home which deals in methamphetamine. There seems to be a stark divide between blakcs and whites there. The operation seems run fairly with heart on it's sleeve; I don't assume that there were specific problems with me, in particular, but the problems around me are apparently dragging him in to it, according to discussions from last night.  Some conversation as towards that they are involved in assisting a variety of people but perhaps simply as knee-jerk anecdotal semiotics that slight to appeal me *(sic).

- I'm being script-framed in writing, somewhat.

- The guy told me to never come back. I was a bit thought-pondering about on the subject, but within minutes I decided that I can't possibly be a false person towards an establishment's behind-closed-doors, personable and well treatment.

- There was a guy who came over the other day as a homosexual, then he returned, he ended up stealing my iPad Air.

There's some threats of looming civilian raid violence; I'm of disbelief as towards being fearful, regardless. (later on, on Saturday, this past week, I had come outside as a fearful Christian).

- Jaclyn Freckmann is stalking me.

- The young lady Lindsay who brought me to my home is being targeted by stalkers; all this is happening possibly concomitantly as updates that I get, as well as she.

- I hear voices outdoors as well as various other ambiance, at times; my take is that it's via discrete channels as ad hoc per relevance or selectivity.

- I established an early a.m. virtuous persona as a Christian, and as an honest person. The oppositional individuals promised a limitless future of torment.

- There's a huge debacle about me getting my place clean; this being after 5 complete months here.

- Some of my script framing had been broadcast as fodder for depraved individuals, for the aspect of sadistic pleasure as towards causing stress for a person who is trying to be well and drug free.

- The sky here has changed to a high exposure nuclear wavelength and gravitational magnetic (sometimes) notably so. There are a lot of acutely strange traffic incidences and flows. (They) sic claim that West Hollywood had been flooded with traffic; the sheriff's station was being held up, and it's my fault or responsibility. Somewhat suggestibly Navy rail gun.

- People claiming to be marines are stalking me. Russell Duncan, Vincent Viramontes, Chris Viramontes.

- Solomon Leyva came into my apartment and now claims to be XV3 and I recognized his writing *scriptframe in one of the graffiti tags in my grid technical art notebook; I didn't off-hand, prior to this, feel that racist-bias should be a considerable thing to deal with, but it's happening a lot over here; they're sometimes particularly staged incidents around the CMHP building and a social work basis.

- Brian Michaud claimed that I couldn't be acceptable in society as a fashionable and had-been, as complimented, considered handsome in a couple of cases.

- My brother possibly infiltrated my parents' home and they demand torture on video. My mother had claimed that the stalkers are all child-molester-willing and admittedly depraved subjects.

- Yesterday, some acute intrigue as twoards "ballsack on blast" as a basis for establishing depravity. I was honest about it; it's framed to suit obviously unwanted and uncharacteristic regressive themes. The social work establishment is largely using me, figuratively, and literally, as a kiosk-stalking walk-up subject. I'm ad hoc, as needed, pro-sociable; perhaps sometimes not maliciously targeted, but framing of timing decrees perhaps "I ought to." Second-person impersonation imitation from a concurrent or prior years and generations of lifestyle/lifetime personas dating back to K-12.

- As of early a.m., I have no affectionate or reciprocally supported drug dealers; my mental health provider had ... (something) ... not sure, yet (okay) I decided that they are not doing ethical work; I need to file grievances. They claim, and as well other oppositional individuals, that I lived a life too well to be appreciable meanwhile, I was a pre-age-30 schizophrenic being stalked by people involved.


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