
Showing posts from August, 2018

Some new coconuts; I transplanted the prolific bubble mites @jay_ammon on Twitter of one coconut to most of the others, now for nutrients to be added. [Photos]

I determined that the prolific crawlers atop and crawling out of one of the coconuts were perhaps not fruit fly maggots, which are all abuzz in my kitchen, but instead, are perhaps, [as someone noted], mites which had been of some form of the class Arachnida, and imaginably could have been something that ended up worse than bubbly plump mobile and climbing creatures, and as well, I did some research towards investigating that topic . Thanks, Susan Patterson, for the info in a simplified and quick form. Perhaps the ionic mineral additives to the pigeon guano had seen these creatures in an accelerated evolution by the time they reached the top of the coconut hole, or perhaps, [getting back to somebody's statement, I had hit upon the part of the guano that held a tick's egg sac and the creatures fortunately did not come up as parasitic arachnids. Now, as I had done previously with the first two brown coconuts - added some Chinese pharmaceuticals I had procured out of the trash dum

Yesterday's quick roundup of tried-and-true tobacco curing tips and as-of-yet [I've not tried them] notable suggestions for a finer cured tobacco (post-retail, loose leaf, etc.)

Pictured is the tiny batch Gucci container I used to make an aside special try about for my first quick minutes oven aromatics oxalic acids fibrous juicer leftovers: confīte , atop hand-mashed [a bit] grapefruit quarters, reasonably well-medium fine balsamic vinegar in glass; there was cheese, perhaps, in a wetted sock (dirty, worn), some fragrant lip balm, better than petrolatum-based (on the organic side), a noteworthy tone-bearing plastic trinket (beacon, for slight transmission of a theoretical slight amplification of sound and particle wavelengths within a bellows box iOS device box confīte, topped with some slight brown sugar, plain brown sugar. The Gucci box selection was wrapped with Farmer John's standard 8 pack breakfast sausage wrapper, unwashed. It was an attractive confīte box with my small box AirPods trash find containing the main tobacco store to be infused with the aromatics vinegar oxalic acids sugar confīte, and I had a fine cigar, smoked well enough to be rich,

Some development of the coconut shell pigeon guano air-curing project: soil mites!

One of my hard shell brown coconut guano cultures has developed what seem to be either maggots or mites; actually, it seemed that maggots were crawling around on the top of the guano after I left the coconuts out since last update, perhaps a few weeks or less, at this point. I decided that perhaps I might see if some of the tobacco seeds would sprout in the mix, as early on in a decomposition stage as it might be; though I gave it ionic minerals and various pharmaceuticals, and perhaps some interesting micro-evolutionary epochs had transpired in the meantime, creating an advanced and or adapted form of 8 legged creature (perhaps), which could likely be of various origins, based on the bug life observed: I saw a scattering parasitic tick (just one) when I was gathering the freeway underpass guano [although that's not this particular batch; this one is dried grassland next-to-freeway guano and dirt. I'm assuming that there was somewhat dried out and starved for moisture insect a

Pigeons at recycling centers are a common feature duo


A photo-blog scrum-up to UTD my GTD of a quaint and folkish pigeon flock of Chinatown, adjacent DTLA, towards NoLA or (North [of] Los Angeles) via Civic Metro Center DTLA as a common pigeon bum fashionable tech athleisure technical institute bum pigeons lifestyle-centric walking locale (most days). Chinatown illustrative art biopic survey photography quick snaps, for follow-up of ink or digital rendering.

Quick GIS quaint pigeon idiomatic colloquialism-localization  of Chinatown, of Downtown Los Angeles, California-adjacent - postal code 90013 : "Various views, vanishing points, and city street detail, for a follow up of an un- [mobile development device] (powered; "then,") very primitive [by means], yet notable endearing moment of pigeon society. "Pigeons hounding for food outside ABC Restaurant, Chinatown:of Los Angeles California. An urban pigeon-lover-bum's slight moment of awe at the ostensibly social nature of the «pigeon flock» as a herd-creature unit identity. The bum, as the perspectives-rendering artist, ostensibly resonates with some off-handed notable characteristics of the pigeon, as a "one of few" common diversions and recreations that conceivable common bums of Los Angeles might find themselves as, as internally projected by the artist over many a common day's bum life, « now he does pigeons » as the interplay of his true internalized

July 15th blog entry [late entry]

Becoming the street traffic controller - a Republican Trump-era stand-in position for post-bum constituency; Section 8 housing (now). The hoc-Itzhak compisitionally-fine arts arrête order of discovering, civic nuisance defence mechanism to drive planned obsolescence. A DARPA ad-hoc serendipity time-place man-making [or female]. #intelligence #civic engagement # socialist activism #federal government #marijuana legalization #autonomous state #sovereignty # legal system #justice department #sustainability #environkentao activism #mental health #noise pollution #community-police collaborations #surveillance state Needing to catch up on my prior entry in regards to my new Dash latest Bible encounter (once more) to reaffirm my oft-disavowed rightful place as a free man, a dignity worth my meritocracy claims [be they as such], and: God help me, I've seen my misgiving personality faults of [what's obv. (to me)] past life regression therapy or current anti-social array [of willing comb

Le lycée français pigęonnes sketch lesson 1

Some lesson plans drawn up, from previous months; they had gone through some rough times, and I lost the original ink brush illustrative gestural sketch, which is what these lesson plans were based on and for. A series of ink brush illustrative pigeon sketches.

A concise breakdown of how I use Google's Cloud Platform API modules towards living out a trashy web writer şlüţèľ : {more fancy than I would have thought of myself} [somewhat, perhaps, et al]

The tool has really been impressive, for my own fancy, in recent weeks, in instances where I find myself indulging this French Regal XV persona when I dump on blogosphere that I find myself gravitating towards, in various forms, from time to time; various times and places, but it's somewhat a notch towards a future driverless lifestyle (at least here on the ground, at the moment); [and] ( it has had been that way for a good while). {This particular variant slight modify of speech characterized by slipping up and around the topic of the sentence in various forms of the same context and idea, in syllogistic synonometry : (of similar sounds and by sideways-directly correlations-able; [hopefully also rhythmically compelling enough for a moment of reading]) - basically. The style was learned, particularly, from my college-years' first hand interactions with African American communities and in immersing with their culture, to some degree, over about a decade or s

A short summer walk's recyclables jaunt pulls in some impressive guano aside and discarded tobacco. [Photos]

I came across a freeway underpass with a particularly rich abundance of pigeon guano, So I collected it, upon considering that I might otherwise neglect it and it could possibly be cleaned up before I come back to it. I found several dumps of cheap cigar tobacco and a bone-dry pigeon corpse. I found the corpse compelling for creating and developing towards a future Kunstkamera Museum, perhaps, of pigeon-lore. I also found a nice 4-tier stacker table to later organize my coconut guano air-curing receptacles with the aim of establishing a special variety Nicotiana tabacum varietal, later on this year, or next planting season. The guano haul weighs about 10-15 pounds. It's a particularly biologically active, vile mess of guano and fluff, right from underneath a freeway overpass, and I would swear that the disease organisms are ready to infest any living creatures nearby. I'm fortifying with ionic minerals and antibiotics; me and the pigeons. I'm considering perhaps putting the

Some photos in regards to the pigeon guano sweathouse coconut-curing tobacco agriculture .institute establishment.


quatrærtholgmo»omot‹alg«or»g.9řc≥tet language: a notebook first impression of the visual font CharSet [Unicode, Not]: byte loading machine language parsing aesthetics as par-standard source material breakout-arrays.

The concept is simple enough. I have slow I/O data connections on my device, and I Can read and functionally take in signifiant contributions of non-volatile web-standards sites, but then,  if only  the site would also jaunt  side-loading parallèle iPigeon jaunt leisure aside pop-ups , Par en vous être sont ils símiliaęræsthèsiment even slightly jauntededAF'ed...  a bit more bíftęk bonne âmes flame broiled tri-tip shitsicles triste incursion of à late-heraldry dept.  Of public affairs-socioalètrivsisselesmonts, which happened to be a trying 25 days or so, much of which was better off in that it was a trash dumpster years-end move outs-academiesiaetiques of the recyclables-bum coverage area, which I've been looking and feeling alright to jaunt-triste alley-trash dumpster diving-bum,  yet it doesn't get weird, from my volatility profile fluff.  Other bums walk on the same streets, why not a garbage recycler clothing enthusiast tech life style blogger standard fluffboy academi

Unicode Typography Library for a Font Design Presentation and Custom Hosted Font Project - to do.

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Reimagining the home exhibition.

With the new guests of the establishment, The pigeons I purchased from 6th at Wall Street, by Skid Row, I'm thankfully befitted with a quieter outlook; there were some notions that being guilty of cruelty to animals was a knee-jerk obvialty.  Apart from reestablishing precedence, I'll take what I'm left with and go with perspective. Obviously, the place ought to be wrought with purpose for the pigeons. The place lives for them; they're significantly king and queen of the feral pigeons, in place and in purpose. I could expand upon this stated belief, but I believe I had done so, in previous blogs.  The significant gist of the matter is that during last month's unseemly revue about the neighborhood corner I occupy, in my section 8 apartment, in which there were unending, relentless, and what I would aught consider to simply be a racial maturity divide, in which I simply couldn't possibly reach them, and I detailed it on twitter. Link (collection - breakdown of las

I have, in combination with other tobacco growers, produced a fine resinous tobacco cigarette.

The length of the cigarette is as shown. I found the Rolling papers out on the street. The implications of the Rolling papers guidelines is fairly disturbing.

I got some real pigeons; a fantail and an Arabian.

They're a breeding pair, I walked them most of the way home, to ensure their stability and safety during rush hour traffic. I was notably stalked by at least some individual, who keeps pulling over on the street and talking to me, and meanwhile, the presence of police activity as they showed up, was significantly up and down my specific beat, the windy corridor. They did fairly well, coming home. I think that they are going to be faced with a significant burden on their stability, being that there's a local roost of pigeons nearby and I've collected their dry poop as guano, which has been curing here, and it has a significant attractive of molecular energies quality to it, as the wild pigeon roost poop is raw materials and wild birds don't notably have a source of water to drink, that I know about, around here; I believe that there will be some significant strain on domestic pigeons such that I've purchased, for the fact that perhaps simple osmosis of energies will