A concise breakdown of how I use Google's Cloud Platform API modules towards living out a trashy web writer şlüţèľ : {more fancy than I would have thought of myself} [somewhat, perhaps, et al]

The translate.google tool has really been impressive, for my own fancy, in recent weeks, in instances where I find myself indulging this French Regal XV persona when I dump on blogosphere that I find myself gravitating towards, in various forms, from time to time; various times and places, but it's somewhat a notch towards a future driverless lifestyle (at least here on the ground, at the moment); [and] (it has had been that way for a good while). {This particular variant slight modify of speech characterized by slipping up and around the topic of the sentence in various forms of the same context and idea, in syllogistic synonometry : (of similar sounds and by sideways-directly correlations-able; [hopefully also rhythmically compelling enough for a moment of reading])

- basically.

The style was learned, particularly, from my college-years' first hand interactions with African American communities and in immersing with their culture, to some degree, over about a decade or so, (with this concept of youthful ornamentation and florid elaborate style in context; I don't get out much anymore... maybe it still goes down like that). Perhaps the linguistic tater-tot of it could be traced back further to a particular cultural heritage, more distinct than I could pick it out, off hand.


In around 2013 or so, when I was once again a solitary homeless guy, wandering around the Venice Beach Boardwalk, I had a strong demand laid upon me to straighten up my youthful lazy demeanor, which was largely based in my somewhat regular indulgences in GHB, which is, purportedly:

- an amino acid;

- a directly human produced chemical extract which serves the process of enabling REM sleep;

- GammaHydroxyButyrol [as an offhand guess and memory of it);

...and I don't really find myself fond of substances manufactured and defined by frequency wavelength stuff as acidic and solvent extract stuff, looking back on things.

Regardless, I'm allergic to alcohol, it's metabolites, and relative compounds, and this was drunkenness and sleepiness, whereas I was a constant crystal methamphetamine user. Sometimes I would sleep. I wasn't seeing a psychiatrist so that I could have a proper antipsychotic for long binge episodes, which were common and endless trials for me, as a newly and endlessly abused mental health trifle [apparently, on some people's lives, ... (these people obviously knew me personally, to a large degree, and I fault them with a proximity-emotional bias correlation; to me it's tragic)...]

Anyways, I do try and attempt to stop the tide of influence on future suffering demographics, or people who live within a discrete {diff} in that aspect of remote communications - sensing,

- in which I can hear their oppressors, as perhaps people I've been acquainted with, or slight friends, in the past (peers, etc.).

The point being,

Is that not everyone abuses me like that, or appears to. Ét cíe.

Life could move on that quickly.

In a proper mind.

Back to the blog topic, the development of intelligence, otherwise.

Supposedly, «everyone's» an expert of psychology.

As for the French lifestyle tech indulgences, there are some notable considerations in interlinguistic transliteration orthographies syntax conventions that merit the use of, and discretionary valuation, towards, as is seen in the superiority development of French influence upon middle ages Britain, which was taken, by the historians take; of intellectuals and of the religious institutions and of the devout:

In the instance of the Normandy France imperialistic cultural Assimilation of Britain in 1066, which lasted about 3 centuries or so, and is notably deemed a Middle Ages Renaissance for English-speaking cultural heritage, over the linguistic rote and common-dictum in place, which was (is), perhaps, the drier olde Englifh style of writing; which is à notable thing, obviously. It's definitely a notable font and typography style.

Moving beyond that, though, is establishing a rote that has a proper thrust that would push linguistics of this colonial acquaintanceship into adopting up to %25 of common English usage lexicography, up to this very day, if various

Well, if a person would simply check the available scrum index of a spread of notable and common writers of various ages, I'd refer to that;

... I hear endless voices of retribution about how hateful this type of discourse is, [somehow]. (Me).

But: with a few quarters of early modern period European stuff, and a background and interest in Classical learning in various humanities, the Google Translate "Babel" app concept, of this day and age, in summer 2018, is a particular treat for some sort of mind, of novel experimentation; obviously, of many years of development, scripting, databasing, and coding - all among many variant colloquial dialectic considerations of localities, and of colonial acquisitions throughout regions, over centuries - all brought to light in a simple and intelligent transliterative package of Proto-Indo-European phonetic alphabet, within reasonable lexical semiotic and semantic intelligibility, for even a person over a decade removed from actively studying French or Latin. I did also have some years in on Spanish learning, back in high school, which obviously lays a groundwork for the various subjective persona and referents-therein, of the sentence and verb structure, as well as the dynamics within sentence structure that English (American-standard) speakers of my peerage and upbringing were common about; that we were brought up with in suburban Los Angeles, CA, along the Baja Pacific Peninsula-mainland, leading in to the 21st century, as millennials.

Apparently, as interesting as it is to seem to be at the helm of groundbreaking discovery, I constantly, as I'm working on developing concepts more hefty than text-centric blogging «stuff», and I sometimes, of this bloc's content, divert into all sorts of variant stuff :

There is a project development page of Google Cloud Platform,

That they're on it, already; much more than zapf-dingbats is new context for discovery.


It's just one of many dozens of resources for an inspired mind of a domains.google-driven various website development contextual finds-yourself

To expand upon, once some reasonable grasp on many aspects of computer software programming intelligence is established, in the Google Cloud Platform Developer's array of "stuff" offered at this point in time.

I've been attracting the local flock of pigeons by the freeway over here, apparently; I've got to get to tossing out some seeds and water, etc., and back to trying to clean my place up. :)


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