I'm being involuntarily hospitalized - possible foul play due to stalking and malpractice.

I think that my doctor's team is psychotic for some kind of bounty. I've been being stalked by my neighbors, who have kids, and they abuse them, and I feel like my social worker at The People Concern, Sarah Huizenga, is somewhat in the middle of a messy situation, with

Alexis Orens
600 S. St. Paul, 90017

and some guy named Lionel « Jackson », (sounds shifty), who looks like a Muslim, twisting her arm, perhaps. I have appointments with Sarah on Thursdays and I ended up being upended for no particular reason. I got taken in to LAC/USC. It's the Telecare doctor's school or attendance; perhaps relevant, and they complain about me being on social media and speaking out about the oppressions being lodged at me. 

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Please help if you can, send me your prayers, and speak on my behalf, if possible. The last time I got taken in, my entire months and months worth of laboring work was ransacked from my apartment; an insult and injury I have still not financially recovered from. I feel like my apartment is at risk for a significant robbery. Fat people are at issue, here, as the possible and | or probable culprits; "Alexis" has been complaining in my head, as a stalker, as well as simply falsely-claimant social worker, from what I had heard of her, in that she claims that I "probably think that she's just a fat bitch," (sic).


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