The "Look" of Encountering Me, on a Today of Standard Notions.

Being an « admittedly » bum "tryna'" admittedly is a persona marketing enclave of questionable sort, as we all know. 

This being the case, as that there are few options for persona marketing of the PR self-image sort of slant on things, there are sorts of bums that seem to care worse, even to the point of common fare identity of as much of as that they find themselves, that they present of themselves a fair-enough Christian unclean. 

I try to imagine a fair standard American identity, and, doing justice to my upbringing; things that I've been nurtured with, things that I lacked, things that people would have wanted to see of me, and I take on the vulnerable and contentious (to some) identity of what some people would consider to be needless and equally worthy of rebuke, as of any other shit at an iteration of persona marketing identity that I've been, of myself - here and there, an "admittedly" sort, of a more depraved of misfortune nature, yet I receive, on this day, as well as commonly standard, of that my appearance is such that it does fair justice to the backdrop of my life, in deeds that come to have been seen of me, or "witnessed," and proclaimed as the truth - here, I opt to proclaim, as a standard threshold of expectation upon myself, of that I do works of charitable, selfless, thoughtful, and needful consideration of others, such that I might simply be good, and seen as a good person; seen with affections of good enough sight-unseen peers of willingly Christian identity in life - for the fact that it's "not bad," - a most simple derivation of a problem task force issue at hand;

Are people making life out to be "simply" a basis of that it were « bad versus good »? 

On one hand, I shrug it off. Who cares about people who make decisions? For me, I care about standards of established bespoken acceptability of administration, somewhat of an expectation that all behavioral matters and issues of life had occured, and have had standardized administrative insight and action taken upon it, such that runs the totality of society. 

There are people who "can't" do well, for any measure of conceivably acquaintanceship standard of timescale. 

(What can one man really do - take on unfortunate men, as disciples, of that I am Chrstian?).

There are people who "won't," who had (subconsciously) decided that they outperform society, within the hermetic isolation of their aloof, lofty selves, of a borderline personality disorderly nature. I used to be if this type. 

There is the one who accepts life, at it's takings and becomings - of things that God provides into man, for that we have a common agreement, in American society, of that our standard and "official," of religion, at issue: being that we are Christians, in identity. 

Being out on the street, something as simple as that trash is not always spitefully "trashed," and the worth of the food destroyed; yet as such, being that I come across food, that it had been a considerate sacrifice, for a person of such nature as is expected of man, and adult, of that food is a primary needful resource in life, of a constantly seeking and striving nature, which we are bound by, whereas some people would simply shrug off the necessity of food, and of appearing to be rational. People take issue with the identity who presents of themselves as that they do not care for food; as beggars, as the destitute, yet, as well, of an uncommon act to come into manifest life, as it were - for all intents and purposes, (as distributively, as is seen to be the case; of that a charitable deed is an uncommon one, and to be rebuked, of an expectation of commonality is violated, the token issue of an honesty-driven identity at-hand: all the much more essential, and productively sustainable, in that people find things commonly "good, or bad," dating back to when we were children). A decision to act poorly is obviously a violable identity to portray of ones self - not all unfortunates, as victims of abuse, were raised with a Christian forgiveness - of as much as they will stand (of a circumstantial situation; of there being risky behavior and consequences at stake). 

That being said, here's my list common up-to-date look and appearance. 

The personal tote cart is an affectionately nurtured persona-taggable affect, in and of itself - capable of being constitutable banter of formative sociability context. It does « ... ». It hauls « ... ». It portrays « ... ». 

That being said, I'm wearing camouflage tights, as well. It might come to be seen, by common usage in our generation's perceptions in life, that a one who rebukes a Christian Missionary sort, with affections to the armed forces, and towards law enforcement, a decidedly courtesan "hopeful" appearance, as that it'd be taken as such, is as much as a bum, (I) can do, of myself. 

Others do similarly, more, or less; others do worse. 

People who "won't" seek subconsciously for affections, of a resource that exists, in society, for everyone, as we'd stake as our claim, as Americans. The decision to waste administrative time with "unresolvable" problems is an interrent duplicity of identity in society, whereas we are all human, and we have basic  human and civil rights, that we form our expectations of behavior and achievement upon. We are disappointed when people fail to meet good natured expectations. Deciding other than to behave one's self in a Christian manner is a promise to act with subversion to society, to betray what people expect of each other, and to make things as simple of that we were taught "good and and" when we were children. 

As adults, we expect more. To be unprepared for the moment of status upheaval for the betterment of ourselves is an unfortunate one - like the time a more attractive person of the opposite sex greets us, as individuals, with more than common affections, or attention - a time where we were too high, not sociably charismatic of a mock-up of Grace, poise, and professionalism, such as to Garner us the affections and continued interaction with the one of our affections, free from the troubles of the world, as it had been, in the past, without our loved one. 

It's a common shortcoming, for me, of that I miss out on such occasions, because I'm "too high." 

People who cause me problems are also of issue. 

I suppose that that's all I might have about a subject, for the moment. 


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