
Showing posts from May, 2020

Tryin' to do JSON API | REST calls, cURL commands as an iPigeon amateur - I found the solution for you. [web link].

I know how compelling it seems. The life of a true and fully of on fwappStack developer,  This is a mushStack, of pigeon mush food, for their daily feedings. Not quite curry, but I can haz, tho ;-p  who can afford the finest in curry accommodations for a daily meal, and still pull off the blue collar professional look; these types are rare, and lean, perhaps, of the imagination, out in Silicon Beach, Los Angeles, California, of the United States of America. Perhaps they suit themselves more sustainably, up in The City (San Francisco, California, USA). Yet, every now and then, a fanboy passes by, in a fwoppCar, cruisin', and fwammin' the Hyderabad modal scale flop-house four-on-the-floor, and for a moment, the notions of what became of the Asian Subcontinent immigrants, their children; the outsourcing community, Bollywood, etc. - largely still a silent, but pervasive and compelling community, of their coteries, fragrances, religious symbolism and moralistic virtues - which have

A methodology of choice in movement patterns within the context of collecting recyclables.

A simple photo-aided workflow of how I « most effectively » "could" establish a search inquiry in to the trash cans around a formative establishment of a recycler's good fortune: a well-traveled and well-patronized gas station establishment, such as the Shell station at Olympic at Grand, in downtown Los Angeles.  The gas station is placed at an impeccable location - right up the street from the Staples Center, where sporting and entertainment events are common. I'd commonly discover rich caches of discarded recyclables in the trash, for example. Sometimes food. On a couple of occasions, a patron of the gas station would offer me charity. A man, who called himself Baba, had chatted me up, one time. He told me that I seemed like a good person, as I dug through the trash at the gas station. He offered me some change. The Indian Subcontinent people can be endearing, at times, as this man was, in his persona about me. He related to me in a spiritually enlightened sense.  H

Opinion: What the nationwide uprisings signify, of a sociological and urban evolutionary perspective.

First of all, I'll be succinct about my stance on the Minneapolis crisis over the death of a suspect, in the process of detaining the man. I fully support law enforcement in their protocols.  I feel that this simple basis, as a perspective in on the issue is largely what's at issue with the crowds of protesters, who are obviously primitively flaunting their suppressed egos and battered self-esteem, in times such as this; not to mention, it's the end of the month (May, 2020), and it's a duly fearsome time for many recipients of welfare.  Whereas my general disposition imperative, of several to many of recent years, has been to ally myself with the dogmatic spirit of the 12 Steps program, in recovery and rehabilitation from drug abuse (which had just last night wreaked a bit of havoc upon my life's stability - I indulged in a debaucherous night in the Baldwin Hills Motor Inn - a local dive spot that was discretely introduced to me, for it's hourly rates and chintz

[reblog]: from - an outreach effort on behalf of the pigeons.

In this article, a reader chimes in on the historic significance of the pigeon, as a partner during times of strife and warfare. The Reader: Pigeons helped win war so don’t persecute them

[reblog] From Twitter: social distancing in sparrows.

I discovered this charming photo allegory to our COVID-19 social distancing rules while browsing my news feed.  Waiting in a queue, keeping their distance and all 😉 @Natures_Voice #BreakfastBirdwatch #nature #NaturePhotography #naturelovers #birds — Rosie 🐦 (@rosieanna29) May 18, 2020

[reblog]: from The | an account of a Jordanian pigeon keeper, on how the birds helped keep his life meaningful amidst the pandemic disaster.

Free as a bird: How pigeons have become a source of solace for Jordanians in lockdown​​​​​​​

Contributing user analytics to improve web browsing experiences through engaging with advertisers and developers.

Maybe you've noticed it, here and there, at some point, in the past: while browsing the web, a strangely relevant facet of your recent life and goings-on, in the world, are suddenly brought back in to your forefront through an ad banner, from out of the periphery of pursuing web-browsing stuff.  I've been there. I'd believe that many people could relate. Perhaps, at some point, the accuracy of the advertisement that caught your attention was too much to bear, and you switched your account and advertising opt-in settings for advertisement content and context, and you shut them all off, in a slight panic.  While the intricacies of just how these things play out, in the world of advertising agencies, and development, I'd say that a more rational perspective is that we live in a world, where engaging with the retail sector has been one of our favored pasttimes, at least, on some occasions. It stands to consider that the retailers appreciate our patronage of their operation,

For my craigslist post readers and prospectives for the closed-track internal testing gig - some blog article on the subject, and some visuals as to what I'm doing.

Welcome!  [Potentially - ] to the team of people (and industry) in content publishing, design, and web [webApp] development of a large spectrum of what comes out from modest means, of sustainable development offering. I'll be as concise and as detailed as to offer a feasible introduction to where I'm at, in development.  First of all, I published a website store, of several articles of retail offering - which is largely irrelevant, [today].  Where I'm at, in Google Android and Apple iOS | iPadOS development -  I have developer accounts with both Apple and Google.  I'm homeless, so my development apparatus is stuck at free-scaled corporate offerings. I do significantly stark pigeon mobile smartphone and tablet development studies, by night. Currently, I'm at the beach. Please don't hoard my public periphery or establish an intricate prank scenario - it happens richly. [<_<] This blog features over 200 blog postings, covering hundreds of tag keywords, which

The « return (<•<] » of fwa-shamm-bwiste! The shoring of the beach.


For parents of antisocial personality types - an outlook and perspective from the front lines.

Being a parent is challenging, and perhaps a long-gone memory. (20 years, 10 years... I couldn't narrow it down, completely).  Pigeon-Toes!!! I'd say that I could relate, though, in that I used to raise fine pets - dogs and birds. I've raised a few litters of dogs, and dozens of birds - for me, it was lovebirds, but also several wild specimens - a blue jay, a sparrows, a hummingbird, that didn't quite make it. The point is, is that I'd developed what I'd assert, is an advantageous position in the foray of nurturing environment - coupled with intensive personal studies, outside of academia - of abnormal psychology, both to repair damages that had been committed upon my youthful years, and, in turn, to understand the underlying psychology of the personality types that form, out of the young adult mind of the millennial, the later generations, with keeping in mind, the challenges and spectrum of diverse ecology of the mind's apparatus, within the scope of the n

A super-cute look at the famíly behavior of sparrows at feeding time. (Updated)

I'm still out at the Spring Street end of the Grand Park lawn, although earlier, I had gone out for groceries and cigarettes, both for myself, as well as that I had considered others, of the micro-locale of the tent-city thing|s| going on, around the corner, and on blocks nearby, down by the 101 freeway overpass.  A male sparrow hopped up, out at me, from the edge of my bags, beside me, and he chirped, assertively. It was super cute how he greeted me. It turned out that I had a half-burrito from outside of Atelier. Atelier DTLA  › home Luxury Apartments Downtown Los Angeles | DTLA Apts - Atelier ATELIER offers residents luxury living in an exquisite apartment home in one of the nation's most geographically unique and vibrant ... Availability Residences Amenities Contact Location Galleries Retail

How I created a Pinterest Pincode logo QR [circular] for Google Image Search and brand marketing resource +1.

Pinterest has been a significant deliverer of trending organic web traffic hits to my Pins (rebloggéd content).    I blogged a self-fashioned Aztec QR Code, created by Barcode Generator, from the Google Play Store, on to Pinterest. Although, upon supposing I could describe it any better than the initial delivery of the surprise, and working at my WebApp development aspirations on the GitHub API end of things, whereas the previous work shift was largely focused on Google Cloud Platform and Firebase implementation online intermediary supportive back-end web development and [digital] paperwork, catching up on bills, etc., after spending several hard-earned days of recyclables-collecting out at the beach and at | in Mid-City. Anyways, just check out Pinterest for yourself, if you haven't.  It's a great platform for discovering cool stuff! Here's my post.

COVID-19 at Santa Monica, CA beach and the boardwalk.

We read the stories on news articles in our social media feed, about the particular locales of Southern California's beaches being shut down, due to the public health concern over COVID-19. I made it a recyclables-collecting day about investigating, on the side, what the vibe was, out at the beach.   The sociable atmosphere of the crowds visiting the beach was rich, despite signs advising that the beaches and boardwalk are closed. People were out in large numbers, some of them going on to the sand towards the waters, and many  people were grouped up or partnered on the lawns bordering Ocean Front Walk.  Main Street in Santa Monica was also fairly busy. There seems to be an atmosphere of optimism in improvement in circumstances out at the beach. 

A resourceful homeless person's « desperately in need » smoker's cure - the aluminum can.

A good and decent old-time friend of mine, named Anthony, back in high school, taught me an often-forgotten tobacco smoker's small artisan craft: the aluminum can, slight crush, with a pocket for packing tobacco, poked through with safety pins.  It's a much more preferable life to see through, during rough financial times, and in areas where cigarette butts are uncommon - having some tobacco to smoke, for having picked up some discarded tobacco; perhaps of a former marijuana blunt roll session, in which the wrapper of a cigarillo is opened up, or cut open, for the sake of hand rolling the blunt.  In locales where I frequent, I oftentimes come across discarded cigarillo tobacco, enough to get me by, as far as smoking tobacco. Thanks, local Los Angeles, CA, USA smokers, for slightly littering. 

The folklore of сдит Бебе рубеои

сдит Бебе рубеои was a memorable facet of the original slight home museum exhibition. Here, we see сдит Бебе рубеои's original sketch in tattered fade, due to discoloration from the museum's flooding.  сдит Бебе рубеои was founded by works of technical analysis and rendering on wool canvas (missing photo). The bird itself was a lame bird; it fell from a nest underneath 18th St. bridge, underneath the 10 freeway, just outside of DTLA. He was very tame, and I was sad to see him go, although he surely got a good home at the Pasadena Humane Society.  style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-client="ca-pub-8084688935837797" data-ad-slot="1871512618"> I do pigeons du jour.

The pigeon island flock of Westlake Food4Less.

The Food4Less pigeon island flock is a quaint and hearty flock in the epicenter of civic commercial Westlake, nearby MacArthur Park. On a shopping trip to Food4Less, the flock can be observed, on any given day, perusing the pigeon island, grazing about for some pickins.  The flock needs to be rehomed, as the supermarket has a sign prohibiting the feeding of the pigeons at pigeon island. Apparently, for reasons of safety, both for the pigeons, as well as for people, the site just isn't ideal for a meeting place for pigeons, although the pigeons highly fancy the spot, and have, for years.  There are, regardless, still people feeding the pigeons here, in disobedience to the posted sign. Pigeon flocks here can number in to the several dozens. Have a visit to the flock while perusing about in Westlake some time, at this Food4Less location. Over time, perhaps I'll discover a method of rehoming the pigeons, here, so that they can have a suitable new recreation a leisure area for their