Tryin' to do JSON API | REST calls, cURL commands as an iPigeon amateur - I found the solution for you. [web link].

I know how compelling it seems. The life of a true and fully of on fwappStack developer, 

This is a mushStack, of pigeon mush food, for their daily feedings. Not quite curry, but I can haz, tho ;-p 

who can afford the finest in curry accommodations for a daily meal, and still pull off the blue collar professional look; these types are rare, and lean, perhaps, of the imagination, out in Silicon Beach, Los Angeles, California, of the United States of America. Perhaps they suit themselves more sustainably, up in The City (San Francisco, California, USA). Yet, every now and then, a fanboy passes by, in a fwoppCar, cruisin', and fwammin' the Hyderabad modal scale flop-house four-on-the-floor, and for a moment, the notions of what became of the Asian Subcontinent immigrants, their children; the outsourcing community, Bollywood, etc. - largely still a silent, but pervasive and compelling community, of their coteries, fragrances, religious symbolism and moralistic virtues - which have their facet niche specialty store, here, in Santa Monica, at Thunderbolt Bookstore. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend it, for delving in to the world of aesthetics of the ‹‹ somewhat ›› unfamiliar, although the attraction to investigating first-hand: the cultures of the Hindu and Buddhist people is surely an enjoyable study of the virtues and intelligences of the people - a much more richly developed array of linguistic varietals than we, in the Western Hemisphere, had originally supposed.

People also ask

That being said, I highly recommend visiting Thunderbolt Bookstore for their richly stocked variety of retail items that are sourced from worthy, rare suppliers. They're truly forerunners of the South Asian Subcontintent, mystic, and religious general media, idols, art work, literature, and home and beauty products. 

It used to be one of my favorite haunts, back when I was making more money. Not that their prices are unreasonable, for the quality of the aesthetics products, and the literature is reasonably priced, as well. 

The Hindi culture is, presumably, India's (general region assumption) most prominent conservative religious cultural standard. We see signs of heroics expressed through their artistic imagery, of Ganesh, the Elephant God, for example:

Ganesha, also spelled Ganesh, also called Ganapati, elephant-headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors.May 8, 2020

Here, we see examples of a somewhat development theme, alongside the Grand Central task management and administration side of things, of the über-producer, as idol, for the people. 

In music, we see the ragas of the sitar players, of transcendental extended modes of playing music and accompanying ritual and leisure. There is also a rich establishment in the drum language practice.


It's a culture rich in alternative establishment, with high-achieving producers of tech development products of the various fruits of their individual upbringings, here in the U.S.A., amongst us, of the general spread of population, yet still somewhat subdued in out and out assimilation in to America's popular culture, as for many, I'd imagine, of the millennial generation. 

Sure, there was the hippie generation, and that was cool, and all, but this is DTLA and Santa Monica. People are clíchey, or maybe they're on drugs, or ‹‹ something like that ››. It's just my observation. Catching them at your local gas station and 7-11 convenience store is good enough, as for an introduction. I've not much met one of them that's an unseasonable personality, much. 

That being said, never mind all the anecdotes, although the contextual relevance of our Asian Subcontinent compatriots in tech and lifestyle are rich, within the scope of that many people are also trying to manage their online presence, as a developer, or as an asset of a development venture, of which I find compelling: the diversity and level of, and degrees, of development, in the facets of artistic and virtuosity in their culture, perhaps over other cultures, for the fact that many people seem to sometimes forego some aspects of common decency, and honesty, in some small, (or larger) context. Something like that. 

Without further ado, the point of this article was a simple anecdotal introduction to ‹‹ hopefully ›› resolving some self-starter venture-entrepreneurs of the DIY and open source community, which, "supposedly," we're good and smart enough to manage, on our own. Up in the city, a Chat Bot SuperBot 2020 conference was one of the destinations (March 31st, 2020, was it's scheduled date, and I had it hourly set as an Apple Reminder; yet my housing situation was also thwarted, although prior to the full-out pandemic scare and ordinances of this n' that breaking news and societal standards and norms). 

Here, just now, a full 2 months later, just now realizing quite what I'd been so ‹‹ intent ›› on, of significance, of an hourly Apple Reminders notion, 



What would a friendless, isolated pigeon-feeding bum, with recyclables contingency and a tech and lifestyle blogging thing going on, care to have disturb such a vastly scheduled outlook in life with, of an hourly basis? 

Well, just take a look at how they handle Twitter intents on their website; there's various inlets into establishing your development environment choice of tools to work your way in to chatBotting your own chatbot, of many various WebApp and Native environments, of all of the major standards of big tech offerings of the Internet, in messaging, and all of our familiar and daily app usage, in social media, for example: 

Check it out, for yourself, at It's simply non-crap mode API access coding and development documentation examples.


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