Apple's au jour banner offering of a COVID-19 infection check up self-service.

Here's my results.

COVID-19 Screening Results 6/8/20, 1:07 AM

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You Should Self-Isolate

Based on your answers, you should stay home and away from others including those in your household.

Your Next Steps Isolate From Others

You should limit your contact with others including those in your home. If you can, have a room and bathroom that’s just for you.

You should stay away from others for at least 7 days from when your symptoms first appeared. Your isolation can end if your symptoms improve significantly and if you have had no fever for at least 72 hours without the use of medicine.

This can be hard when you’re not feeling well, but it will protect those around you.

Rest and Take Care

You should eat well, drink fluids, and get plenty of rest.

Monitor Symptoms

Monitor your symptoms. If they get significantly worse, contact a doctor or a medical professional.

You May be Eligible for Testing

Check your state’s guidelines to see if you should get tested for COVID-19.

Your Responses

You are between 18 and 64 years old
You are experiencing symptoms
You do not have relevant conditions
You have not traveled internationally
You’re not sure if you’ve been exposed to others who have COVID-19 You do not live in a long-term care facility

You do not work or plan to work in a medical facility
State selected: California
Your anonymous answers will be used to improve this tool and better understand the spread of COVID-19

Completed June 8, 2020, 1:07 AM

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The service says I just took the screening at 1 a.m.; which is not the ‹ actually › about 12 hours difference, of that I just took the screening survey, and it's now 1:22 p.m., here in Los Angeles County (San Marino, according to the Google Weather widget on my phone). 


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