Some anecdotal folklore and conjecture in regards to some positions I took on my OANDA fxTrade accounts this morning.

 This morning was a neck-crackin’ morning for me. Thankfully, I could crack my neck, thanks to the ionic and humic | fulvic mineral supplementation regimen that I’d been taking. 

On this instance, I was playing around on forex on my apps on my iPad Pro and my Google Pixel 4a 5G devices. Last time I delved in to investing, it was on a real money account, and I ended up losing $15, out of an initial investment of $100. This time, I started out with a practice account, which allowed me $100,000 practice money, and I just now depleted it to around $94,800 or so. Then I got an unemployment insurance and pandemic unemployment award payment in, so I put in $250 in to an actual USD account again, and I went shopping on Amazon. 

The other day, I got a kettlebell, amongst other things, at Target. I wanted it for strength development and for specialty postural and gestural movement exercises, for my public relations stuff, (so I look good, when I go out), and I felt that it would be one more cog in the wheel of a better overall wellness and sustainable me. As it turns out, the kettlebell postures enabled, with even a single weight, are very conducive to helping the joints and spine crack. (One weight is recommended, for starters. Two is unnecessary). 

Anyways, that’s the backdrop, leading up to this morning. I could use some alternative activities in my days, so I chose strength training and charity gloves sewing, as my projects. I figure that people can appreciate a nice and timely pair of gloves. I chose acrylic as the fabric, and a $200 sewing machine that has 200 stitching patterns, or something like that. 

Then, with the forex trading stuff developing as one of my other alternative activities, I encountered a well-occupied world, in and of itself, with traders and theorists on the subject much more authoritative on the subject, compared to myself, and my experience. I felt like it was a serendipitous place to have stepped in to, and there was a well-heeled peanut gallery, as well, jeering me on, and feeding me misinformation, for my amateur and speculative entry back in to the world of online foreign currency exchanges. 

There was much to do, about these trades, and my positions on them. On one hand, I had covered, in my previous blog, my possible and potential basis for my trading positions buy-ins and sell-outs, per se, that I might be doing. On another hand, there’s people reading and summoning up my “thoughts,” as it were, and those individuals are highly knowledgeable. Then there’s my parents, and some celebrity cameos seemed to pop in, over the course of the other night, as well as this morning, and I’m sure I just didn’t quite realize who some of the speaker and commentary  figures were, though they would ostensibly be popular, as well, within their own rights, amongst the news media-watching crowds. 

Which brings one of the issues at topic up, for discussion: that being that I don’t watch news media; I just watch porn. (A dog barks, in the background.’’ <_<). I called it hibachi, one time, and it stuck. The context of relevance, at hand, here, though, was that I was speculating on my practice account, and the USD / JPY currency pair was going down, hard. Maybe even at this point, I’m misunderstanding the implications at hand. I’m largely trading by semiotics, and of something that may have been known as classical analytical technique, in trading nomenclature (something like that). You know, like the books that would have been written on the subject (for people who would have read the books, or the articles; and I did, just a bit, though). They were written, I’m sure, and I did read them, but just a bit. 

Anyhow, the international currency exchange experts, economists, theorists, peanut gallery, public figures, my parents, my peers, etc., as audience, were well engaged upon the spectacle supposed of, on myself, as well as others, that some of us would take interest in forex trading, for having the article written out, about it (which I wrote and publicized, on Twitter; it got more than average readership, over the course of a few days, or so). The issue of hibachi, standing as a cultural sleight, on my part, was brought up as of issue, of that I would attempt to analyze trading and market trends and buy and sell to my advantage, given my own personal expertise; yay, in this case, I’d have to admit that I don’t read much news about the Japanese, although I’m sure that they’re quite proficient and relevant in microchip and circuit board development and production, and they play a significant role in the tech industry, at large. 

Anyhow, cultural sleights, jeers, misinformation, and some good advice, and all, and it makes for a quite engaging and dramatic outlay of a sleepless early morning, where we were playing the global foreign currency exchange markets (perhaps), as an adjunct hobby, or “looking in to it,” as a profession, or something. I was playing the learning game. Learning by doing, practicing via what I know about cultures and currency, time zones, perhaps, and my own stake in things, be they that they are, as such. I’m not the most educated, but I did have a winning stake, in forex trading, of perhaps a lucky streak, or “something,” … it was money, after all, in my practice account. I’m not quite sure what I did, or saw hat it was, per se, but it was definitely a win, after I had slept on it. 

Anyhow, now, it’s being stated (it had, that it had been stated, as such) that I am currently playing the “extents” role, in streak gains and losses roles between currency pairs, for playing the day trader role. On one hand, I’m not being too adventurous, and on another hand, I have a particular certain cultural background, and perhaps an affinity towards working with certain currency pairs, for their international culture and economy, each unto their own, that I am familiar, more or less, with. Part of it is that I’m not all that familiar with things, and I’m accepting, or “taking in” conjecture, as “whatever…” I hear it. They know they can reach me, and it’s a big “they” versus my camp. 

The great thing about this amateur cottage industry economy gig job (of forex trading) is that we can take it anywhere, and who knows just how much our “otherwise” online identities play in to these things? I’m a content publisher, with some outreach in to advertising agencies and companies that advertise with Google AdSense, and I have (potentially) all sorts of “extents” in to intelligence, and commodities, of ad marketing potential and user identity “stuff,” that just might make a difference, and for my readership, potentially, as well. I’ve noticed those sorts of things. 

Anyways, the deb1cle became about how I was upholding my standard and stake in the trading world, with”hibachi” being common and known, about me, and how I might make reparations for that sort of sleight, while perusing the various currency pairs, some of whom I’d not known very much about, save for “sleights,” somewhat, it was supposed at one point, that people would commonly have, of themselves, for being consumers of this media frenzy pop culture “thing,” that we live in | through, being Los Angeles people, largely (of my peers and such and such… I’m beginning to lose track of who’s who. But I’m definitely me, though, and my parents did raise me. They didn’t raise others who happen to “still” seem offensive to me, and towards my family, as former peers [it’s an ongoing and known issue]), …

I don’t know. I dunno… maybe… well, nevermind. Was it you? Or was it me? Or something like that. I’m going to go and do stuff on my devices, now. 


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