Hot for Spring 2021: Top Cute Crypto Exchanges and Hot Crypto Pursuits of the Internet

The recent Coinbase IPO was a hotly anticipated milestone for the digital and cryptocurrency trading and investment industry, bringing the topic of alternative currency investing and trading to light, at a point in time in which we encounter a burgeoning economy and ecology; that of the cryptocurrency passion, a significant homesteading, and a global flash game, or profession; perhaps a pastime, for some. Regardless of one’s stance on the industry, and how much we become invested in it, it’s hard to ignore the topic. I found myself seeking for more, after I quelled something initial impetuous day-trading poor habits, and from there, I got my wits about me, in terms of wrapping my mind and forecasting designs, of intent and of purpose, in doing my part, in what I could muster and personally comprehend, of this emerging industry, with its time had come, for the populace. 

That being said, there is much more to the cryptocurrency industry than what Coinbase covers (although Coinbase does offer a suitable and legitimate jumping board in to the sea of information and commodity that the cryptocurrency industry offers).

Here are some of the cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform alternative establishments and developments I happened upon, in my recent research and development | productivity dive, and some notes on as to why I found them compelling to look in to, some more. 

P2PB2B is a hot and vast platform for crypto exchange news, infos, launching crypto commodities (ICOs and NFTs), with hundreds of crypto trading pairs offered, to what amounts to a mind-boggling and dizzying array of options, covering much ground in today’s crypto exchange platforms.

I was seeking ARRR, the pirate chain privacy-advocating platform and exchange, just off of novel affections for the commodity, and associated notions; myself being an arrr… spirited former pirated one, personally. Just to try things out. 

I found the platform to offer diverse trading options (currency pairs), and I bought myself one ARRR. I was going to sell it and reinvest, but there’s a 200 ARRR minimum withdrawal, a 20 ARRR fee, and selling the ARRR seems to be a limit trade only, and the transactions wasn’t an instant fulfillment. It looks like this trade will be a longer-term, nurtured investment.

With all the excitement that BTC and cryptocurrency investing offers, in and of itself, why not consider running a node for mining? Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrency commodities, are based upon a digital ledger of valuations, based on transactions, constituting single, or fractionated, units (tokens) of each crypto commodity. These tokens are backed, in apportioned worth, of computational worth, aggregated, and collectively “mined” for each individual commodity. offers information pertaining to the original digital cryptocurrency, as well as information on how to run a node, or “full node,” which contains the complete history of all BTC transactions and valuations, whereas the node itself serves as a decentralized reference computational verifier, for transaction fulfillment and reference verification, of valuation delegation, transfer, and apportionment. 

Sandvik Products Guide (app)

Upon investigating investment, trading, and mining web | app resources, remember that this industry is founded upon mining, itself. Take a look at materials and physical resource commodities mining industry operations, and the engineering might and mighty that powers the physical mining industry, for reference, and visuals, upon the scale of leveraged power that is inferred upon traders and investors delving their resources and aspirations in to the cryptocurrency trading platforms and investment exchanges, as well as the speculators who develop and produce cryptocurrency-based products, such as NFTs, which are valued upon backed worth, based on apportioned sections of staked worth in crypto commodities, such as ETH (Ethereum). 

Opensea offers a web platform for developing NFT products, listings, sales, and tracking. Creating an NFT on this platform requires valuation establishment of products backed by ETH. Digital works of art listings are developed by the creator, and the terms of sale or auction are defined prior to listing the commodities. Currently, duplicates of digital art offerings are not allowed, so only single item agreements can be created, at this time. I’m holding out, until duplicates of works of art can be offered by creators. Opensea is touted as the most popular platform for creating NFT commodity listings and sales, at this point in time. Despite the allure of potentially reaching an established, burgeoning community of crypto commodity and digital art enthusiasts, I had to settle upon simple humility, of that my enterprise, (and pigeons and sparrows) are not a popularly fondly-held passion, in general. I’ll hold my cards, for the time being, and work on creating worth for my establishment upon other aspirations and holdings. 

HashNest app and web platform offers cloud mining earnings based on purchases of apportioned machines, with a hefty catalog of mining computers available for lease, on a subscription basis, or perhaps otherwise, with the investment and time for returns on investment basis being factors in how much the user pays, and is paid out, per machine. This platform represents a highly developed cloud mining platform, compared to simplistic web | app offerings which offer a simple notion of one-click mining and earnings basis. HashNest offers more professional and invested controls upon purchasing crypto mining resources and machines than most other mining apps.


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