Virtual Narcotics Anonymous Meeting: Confronting Asymmetrical

It’s an inevitable outcome, for the person who had lived a finery lifestyle, of some sort, as far as eating good food, and exercising regularly goes. I would consider those two things to be primary traits of fine living, even at its most bare, all else considered - finding the pleasure pursuit, and seeking pleasures, instead, to characterize the persona mocked up as of that finery would be considered upon this basis, rather than a more sustainable and natural lifestyle set of traits be extolled. 

Isn’t it inevitable? At least, in Los Angeles, it would seem so. We’re told that we have the capability to live out all of geography’s wonders, within driving distance of less than a day, out here. The larger picture we’re given, is that we live in the finest nation in the world. But how many people end up subsumed by the glamour lifestyle, at some point, or get swept up in the out-do-doo scandal rags of publication literature and media? At some point, people will demand that these scoundrels pull their own weight, in athleticism, for the fact that … well, I don’t know what. I happened to be personally, thankfully, graced with a fitness mentor of the unexpectedly degree of distinction, in my life. The man’s workouts would challenge a dormant heartbeat into a near-faint, within seconds, no doubt. To have not been attending to these things would become apparent, within minutes. Yet, the man is made of these things, perhaps not forever, though, in the land where people start to believe that life lives on, forever. The land of fables, as it were, that we do, here, by tradition, in this town. 

Please listen to this treasure of folklore that played out, of my former lifestyles, captured via dictaphone transliteration transcription over 8 hours, compacted, thanks to iOS text-to-speech, in a breakneck-paced, fast and casually fwippsicles just-under one hour read, of the listening mind. It’s a true and rich tell-all, of many things Los Angeles, which would inevitably befall the worldly traveler, being that we travel the “all of the globe’s” geographies, at least locally, I would assume, as Los Angeles natives, transplants, tourists, and surveyors, otherwise. We are Los Angeles, for some reason, aside from simply drug use, aren’t we? How could the place stand, with that sort of reputation? Who would be fooled, for how much the dialectical and broadcast personalities play out and toy with such contentious demands, and backbreaking schedules, of relentless work days, celebrity and on-screen people doing cameos, and nobody’s really a little guy, for being given a moment, yet some people get swept under the rug? 

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Who even remembers what the premise of this article was, any more, by this point? Just listen to the SoundCloud recording - it’s a reasonably unseemly capture, of a former glory days happenstance of device riches, which I’d lost, over time, that could scarcely reliably be reproduced, in this day and age, by an audiophile expert, as it were, of many types, but who, in the limelight, could admit to such things, type it out, text-to-speech it, while audio recording it, and publish it, under their own name’s profile, in the public domain? 

There’s so many classic references and ruses here, and it’ll occupy an hour of your time, and it’ll make you laugh, I guarantee. Shaving the head? Just try it once in life; particularly just to challenge one’s self worth based upon superficiality. There’s all sorts of folklore attached to the notion, I won’t get in to it, now, but perhaps I had had my head shaved, while I composed and worked on this audio piece, as well as that I’d captured the moments to have written about, as well, leading up to the writing of the work. Thanks to everybody who contributed to creating the personas and encounters detailed within. 


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