A case for defending Russia, throughout the warmongering of early 2022,

 It’s a quite easy topic to nitpick at, on one hand, but regardless, look at some of the news topic trends that make headway, out here, in the U.S.; in Los Angeles, at a minimum. 

I’m referring to the staged displays of pompous destruction, the “right” of the madman, the mob rules directives and concessions that are made, and what; all that much, of Los Angeles, by and large, is greatly changed, over the past several years? On one hand, we don’t seem to know all that much about Russia, collectively. I happen to be a slight insider in to the culture of Russia, having had been acquainted with, befriended, and eventually having married, for a short time, a young native Russian lady, who happened to speak English quite well, and intelligently. (We broke up because I couldn’t stand her having her free time, and I was a distrustful crack cocaine binger, throughout the whole thing - she lost her patience with me on that sort of context, about things). 

Some pics pertaining to that stage and time of my life.

First of all, I’ll cover some things that are good about Russia. I’ll assume that perhaps this whole news story “coverage” thing is just collateral damage, for shipping them our dope, or something like that, and things had to turn up bwammo, for the sake of propaganda - even just “perhaps,” as such, but that’s what’s coming to mind, in writing this out. 

For one, Russia is a global leader in supplying tech workers to various nations, holding the number two position in the field. Another topic, digging back, a bit further in our collective history and minds, is the Russian mail-order bride - who hadn’t fancied that he’d check out that sorta thing, for himself? <_<… To denigrate Russia, and the country’s leader, is a somewhat calculable slew against a particular sort and demographic, and, from a local perspective, of being that I’m placed in Los Angeles, and I don’t try, much, to dig my way out of my already-provisioned news feed, and stuff like that, who’s to say that anyone who has a mind about the topic isn’t being deceived by the larger news media outlets? Who’s to say that war is even real, this time around? You guys know how you are… some of you, at least. 

As I had deftly pointed out, in somebody’s contention that I ought to “somehow” offer up rooms such as my room, which I’m working on organizing, and stuff - it’s been a contentious and trying row against my patience, and people are threatening lifelong consequences about things, due to contention and conjectural digressions, that it were, about my common mind and sensibility about a day, and of orderliness, for that matter, whereas I’ve demonstrated, in the past, “… ‘*/°^•\=/‘?” such and such, this and that, to the contrary about this madness of a mess, that I’d had, about my living quarters, and not keeping up with appointments, and such. 

The United States of America and Russia (or the former Soviet Union) have had a long history of butting heads, sharing intelligence, amongst amicable colleagues, in the field of intelligence, per se, I would imagine - it’s much of what underlies the common psychology and remote sensing apparatus that I attempt to dispel disinformation, par regard, while offering up what I can, in layman’s and technical terms, or at least a moderately specialist degree of novel intrigue and professionalism, in content development on the topic that could be had. These things happen, and some people try to exploit intelligence, or geofence-boundaries, as well as people, themselves, who maintain certain types of boundaries, as for themselves. 

On one hand, I can understand the lure - fucking with a fuckboytastastic, because he’s bwammo, and I was he, for that matter, yet just for a quick laugh’s sake, I’d say. I laughed, sure, but it was quick, and I meant to make fun of someone else - yet, as I had announced, earlier this morning - for the record, I care to be done with that, as my present tense, and I would generally out speak most, but the best of them, when it comes to dalliances du jour, and entertainment delights. On the other hand, however, it’s not really all me that’s doing it; I’m just typing things out, and I have things coming to mind. It’s just that it’s that simple - on the surface. If there were a third hand, I’d … hmm. I guess I’d settle for using my legs, and I’d be out feeding the pigeons, like I typically do, and which I hold myself responsible for. 

That being said, I’m part Lithuanian, and we were the subject of a small war, as well, with Russia, a hundred years ago, or so, and I’m not quite well-versed in the passing and times of that war, that it was, but I suppose that the corollary takeaway, which could hold some common ground, in the case of this conflict with the Ukraine, is that some of the Eastern Bloc nations, such as Lithuania, the Ukraine, and who else… I’m not all that well studied and well-versed in geography, but I’m sure that there’s other nations - they wanted to uphold, and support, independently, a notion and a spirit of their own culture, and of their distinction, which, I suppose, in this case, happens to fall upon the topic of nuclear power - at least, that it’s being reported as such, and here in Los Angeles, there happens to be a huge draw upon the bloodletting of a knowledge base and resource basis of materials and energy, surrounded by a notion of that nuclear energy provides us with stimulant drugs, tech-era empowerment of our egos and human impact upon design and intention, for all of its wherewithal and display, that we come to see, and I came up with the bwammo persona. 

I’ve got other stuff to do, though, so I’ll finish up with that much, for now. Perhaps later, I’ll update things, but, oh… yeah. The “standard” of psychology’s detriment (psychology, as a social and human science) that was being demonstrated was a commonplace Los Angeles faux pas - the fuck but butt shittle(…?) [though?]
I figure that most people would be, like, nah… I can’t fuck on of, of butt shittle, though, like that - which is … wait. I dunno. 

Okay. The problem was, was that there are good things about Russia, that are commendable, and people simply found reason to seek detriment and dishonor upon Russia, and it’s leader, rather than find something in common with our competitive and intelligent neighbors, out there, in Europe, whereas it’s such a let down, when somebody just disagrees with something that a rational person says - it detriments the human nature of that person, for the sake of expression itself, for that it took the will, volition, humor, and energy of that person’s life, to express something, only to have come to have been denied, of its validity, whereas there are seemingly limitless new people that could be met, as for having a conversation about something. You’ll have definite problems with people, in life, for taking issue about things that might only be subjectively compelling, and that person might be seen to be “entertaining their own needs,” in the face of composure, otherwise, for having a well-suited and intelligent, insightful sort of thing to say to somebody else, of a different culture - and, oh, yeah. Many of them, particularly of this generation - do speak English. 


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