How to compose a proper personals and classifieds ad for success.

Last night, I wound up nearly accepting a “hang out” offer, from some guy that sat near me on the train home from Santa Monica. 

The first premise, at issue, here, is that I generally take issue with “guys” and “hanging out,” somewhat as a flat-out decree, being that people who pay attention to me, personally, and as a person - generally, (post-university years, especially) are the types of people who failed at school, they have nothing to do except bet on that I’d be an unrelenting gay hooker, and they sit around, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, laughing amongst themselves with a notion as trivially slight as that, and some forces of networking and psychology get put out, on the loose, and eventually - the victim of such intentions having played out, in life, become the rhetoric upon which demographic typologies are forged, and a litany of followers ensue - as casual stalkers, out on the streets, somehow - “just” how, I’ve never bothered to figure out, but people wound up treating me a little bit differently, today; some guys, for example, and they greeted me, whereas more commonly, it’s typical for people to ignore me, out on the streets. It hadn’t always been like this, I can recall. Here and there, I recall a time, yet not the place, off-hand, where people would greet each other,, much more commonly than we do, in these times. On one hand, Covid-19 caused us to be conditioned for social distancing to have become the standard. The anarchists rebelled against this sort of premise, and they proceeded onward with assaults upon people’s personal and private spaces alike, and even more people than ever started finding ways in which they could keep to themselves, or gather in more exclusive circles than ever - I, for one, being particularly isolated; introverted, by nature, that is, to say, couldn’t possibly suit the sort of personality type discussed in articles that featured accounts of discrete Covid-19 circles being established - I’m a bum; a pigeon-feeding bum, as my most prominent sort of bum, and it’s generally taboo for people of the middle or upper classes to associate with a bum, by and large, although here and there, small tokens of acknowledgment are witnessed, such as considerate food or drink offerings are left out, and, in many cases - recyclables are left out. It’s suggestive of that people would like to see a working person, as well as a hungry person, out of the sort of people who have wound up at the end of their rope, in life - so to speak, and who else, but an otherwise unhoused person would have to seek out novel accommodations of food and general interests? For one, a stalking victim would have to, a knave, a mentally I’ll person, here and there - a few, or several types, that is to say. People who were observing me, earlier today, noticed that I was acting out imprints of having been a bum, whereas I had just secured confirmation of that I had a promising serendipitous moment happen for me, in finding a client for my gardening services offer, which I’d put up on craigslist, the other day. My budget is tight, but it’s only $5 for a services ad, and I figure that craigslist features a rich trawl of both interested, as well as valid - employers, for jobs, big and small, as well as clients of all sorts - I’ve personally landed several thousand craigslist gigs, to be sure.

Historically, craigslist had been acknowledged as one of the Big 5, of the internet - inclusive of Google, Apple, Microsoft, hmm… I don’t remember the other one, but craigslist had been notably mentioned, in my encounters with content, on the internet, of having that distinction. Today, it apparently stands in the top 20 - not bad.

May 17, 2019 — Craigslist is one of the top 20 websites in the US, and generates over $1 billion in revenue. Here are 11 surprising facts about Craigslist.

That being said, there’s all sorts of possibilities, of all of life, imaginably, of all of what and where craigslist gives coverage - it’s every locale, in every nation, and we, as millennials, had been brought up in an America, and a world of the internet, in which craigslist forged a prominent role - at times, controversial, as such things that had come to pass, as the hotel prostitute-patron murderer, and, for habitual users of craigslist, in metropolitan districts, who would deny that “blowing clouds, seeking BJ” ads had not all but taken over the personals section - a prominent call to action, apparently, for that the personals sections had quietly become removed from craigslist. It’s a different age, in time, as it were, should one stand to learn the lessons, and infer the truths about society, and where we, as individuals stand, for outcomes that inevitably played out in multiple various ways. On one hand, we have dating apps, where people, such as myself - try, and fail, for as much effort as is put in to the “game” like premise of a most superficial attraction to a person, being the basis upon which people link up - it’s a competitive world out there, and people’s affections lie in closely-held and personal “secrets,” so to speak, where the people we’re physically attracted to, the most, just wouldn’t care to date us, of the most prominent outcome, of the internet, and apps, being the platforms upon which and how we choose. The craigslist solution, I’d suppose, is to simply put all of that aside - if anything, for losing a bit of ground in global rank standing, craigslist sorts of dating encounters had had their heyday, and now, they’re gone. 

Anyways, over the years, I’ve developed a knack for marketing pitches that wind up becoming successful - the point here, in this case, of the day that had played out, since last night, was that I wound up not moonlighting as a gay prostitute, for various facts about the matter. For one, I feed the pigeons when I come in to town. Sure, the guy is nearby, since he lives in downtown, but, in preparation for my days out, I have a lot to do. On one hand, I can’t show up empty-handed. I have to prepare, in the previous day, and throughout the month - for various things: my tech, my stimulation for the day - and only for one day; that’s my rule, my bills have to be accounted for, I have to do job searches for the GAIN program, through the Department of Public and Social Services, and I have to be capable of buying food for the birds, should my SNAP food stamps run out, which they do, since I like to eat well, which causes me to require that I pick up recyclables. All of these things, being the case, the thought of having to cut one of the necessities out, in life, as spoken for, so to speak - becomes what I would imagine to be a pleasant luxury in a person’s life - regardless of how different our circumstances might be. On the other hand, other people - the more successful and perseverant ones, imaginably revel, instead, on stability and structure about their workday and workweek. As a person who is afflicted with bipolar disorder, I inevitably have the challenge before me, on a daily basis, of seeing to that things play out smoothly, of a structured and self-managed, self-directed lifestyle. For many people, the lure of a simple distraction, and a quick win, become compelling fodder for life, of a day as simple as it comes, with little to no regard for people who do their best, in life, to establish a home and a family of their own. This sort of person becomes an impossible burden in most attempts in which common social bonds are forged - they’re most typically not sober, not willing to discuss their poor habits and morals, they gossip about people, they assemble amongst themselves, lure people in to their web of entitlement and attachment, using drugs, and they do things that, of a primary identity, are personal features sourced amongst a selection of lifestyle options such that people of a lower degree of needs fulfillment could attain, in life, for tending to the sexual and the visceral. People who do better in life disappear, conceivably, when primarily drug-using people present themselves, for things that the losing side couldn’t help but show about themselves, in being so needful. The problem is, as it turns out, in so many cases, however, of that they’re doing something deceptive, and it’s largely a difficult premise to include such a person in to a holistic, or even casual, at times, sort of accommodation that suits both parties. 

Now, back to the topic of the blog - making a successful marketing pitch, in simple text and image - it’s a platform that’s quite effective, for the fact that there’s a working search engine, close at hand, and the database updates reliably, and in real time - if it exists, within the craigslist locale establishment that’s to be searched, and even in nearby counties, or locales, then, by all means - it’s accessible on craigslist, if the post had been posted. 

I opted for gardening services, because I’m somewhat banking on a hopeful notion of that some people would find it refreshing to have a different sort of take on a gardener. For non-locals of the Los Angeles area, it might not be well-understood: how prominent the archetype of the Mexican or Hispanic gardener, or even some sort of generalist concept of that this demographic fulfills much of the somewhat disregarded services workers positions - on one hand, it’s a marketing niche that’s potentially suitable for a competitive self-marketer to exploit. I, personally, significantly struggle in learning (or understanding, or remembering) the Spanish language, even though I studied it in junior high and high school. Finding a marketable niche is valuable on craigslist. Having expertise and authority in a field of knowledge is a marketable identity to advertise - over time, it won’t remain a hopeful and disregarded ambition, for the fact of that there’s various numerous categories of subject links on craigslist, and it’s powered both by feed, as well as by search. On one hand, people aren’t allowed to prostitute themselves any more, on the platform, but figurative relevant contexts of self-marketing, in keyword terms, so to speak, are the hallmarks of what could potentially launch someone out of a more hopeless and dead-end career aspiration, which is a common Los Angeles, CA, USA malady - the disillusionment of a dreaming Los Angeles generation, who had grown up imagining lifestyles of some afforded degree of luxury and flashy lifestyle accommodations, here in what comes to be known as The Militarized Zone, or TMZ (tech worker nomenclature). 

A second facet feature of demonstrating expertise, is having a laundry list available. Given certain knowledge base concepts, such as that liars would have little variety and extensive features about their literacy-ranking on, say, anything, much, comparatively, given, for example - somebody who understands a topic voluminously, who slips by, in professional endeavors, without exposing a character fault, or a personal weakness - a challenge for youthful individuals, somewhat, for a more innocent-minded persona, as well as for individuals who had never grown up. Another example of the successes that a laundry list would suppose is my recent pirate’s chanty, or sailor’s yarn, “Of on bwammo,” which I featured on Tumblr. It’s a hopelessly well-resourced litany of detriments, of a figurative “bwammo’d,” as it would end up being - both as a supposed “bwammo,” as well as for many recipients of the message of “Of on bwammo.” It’s highly beneficial to have a laundry list set of explanations, as far as for redeeming any sort of supposed reputation might amount to. 

bwammo. bold new frontiersman. came plik plok'in in to my life. sideways steppin,' kinda fancy. breaking bwopp dick records.

Ha. I just discovered that my business is discoverable by searching “of on bwammo,” on Google. A curious Easter egg 🍳 🪺 to have discovered. 

A third feature which would conceivably comprise a successful personals or classified ad would be an introductory general explanation for your ad’s premise, where certain broad features of the service or goods offered is described, and where you advertise a marketing pitch, whatever it may be: whether it’s cheaper, or you happen to be better than typical, in some regard, in offering the listing, for end-user purposes; something that establishes the post’s author as distinctive and special for the consumer. Offering your direct contact information and name offers some degree of familiarity and identity that sets a person apart, even in a small sense - there’s only so much that can be offered, on craigslist, and some things that could potentially be “tried” for posting simply aren’t allowed - the post would get ghosted, for example, potentially, if certain damning features about it present themselves. 

In any case, in a large market locale, such as Los Angeles, CA, there are opportunities for an individual to establish a standing, long-term professional Rolodex, so to speak, of people who can get to know the services and goods supplier on good terms - we’re fully adults, at this point, most of us, or, at minimum, we had been expected to have had become adults, by the time we were 18, or perhaps 21. 

Feel free to reach out to me, for advice, if you, as the reader, had come across any challenges, difficulties, or dead-ends, in writing up a personals or classifieds ad - I’m available to help out. 


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