Sticker Time Giveaway! (Active) - mophie charger (found - USC)

I found this mophie charger, while out and about

yesterday. I hear various theories, such as that ditching this charger was a clever marketing student’s ploy, to get the USB-powered Christmas lights giveaway to happen, of my Twitter account’s fabled lore. Actually, that was the only theory I heard. Prior to that, I assumed that someone somehow lost or dropped the thing, in between the time in which it was raining, in the early morning, until the time in which I found it, which was around noon, or so. I guess I ought to return the thing, since I feel like I should frequent the local Target, there, for their cheap bread prices, easily accessible, for me, while racking up Target Circle rewards, at the same time (bread has recently been marked up about $1.00, or so, at different locations). I just started this routine, yesterday. 


Okay, now I am hearing other theories, such as that the charger was cleverly stolen, from the original owner, in order to make this Sticker Time giveaway happen, in which case I suppose I ought to do another giveaway, in hopes that the original owner gets the charger back. The second giveaway will include a set of Sticker Time stickers, and a 30 mL bottle of Hermès Paris Eau d’ orange verte fragrance, which is a unisex fragrance. 

I suppose, also, that the owner might also not know where the charger ended up, given that somebody might have stolen it, and that the Christmas lights are also an attraction, in this situation, so I’ll include another set of Christmas lights, somewhere nearby. Obviously, I ought not disclose the location, so that people will give up on stalking me about something (yesterday, it was about that I smelled bad - the truth being, was that I smelled bad smells, around me, potentially <_<…). In any case, I did my laundry, this morning, and I’ll be heading out to plant these goodies, out where I found them, most likely, with a disclaimer note attached to the charger - hopefully, to deter an additional theft of the item, and hopefully everyone will end up alright, out of it. 

The Physical IoT official site QR code

Update: sorry, I’ve been behind schedule on making this giveaway and lost and found happen. I’m hoping to get to it today (01/19/2023).


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