An artisanry aspiration - another homemade cheese.

As some of my longer-term readers would know, I had started an effort in making cheese around Christmas this past year, using eggnog.

May 7, 2019 · Learn a recipe for an all-seasons pigeon health supplement: pidgin cheese.

This time around, I'm attempting a more savory-layered cheese culture, with liquid malted milk, tapioca, for a starch, heavy whipping cream, and rennet. 

Here's the cheese as I originally had prepared it, in various layers. I had decided that I would let the layers stay still, instead of homogenizing the mixture, in order to investigate the effect of the rennet culture upon the various components of the cheese. 

Within a day, the layers had separated, and curds had formed in the layer of cream, at the top of the mixture.

Day 2 of the cheese-in-the-making. I took a taste of the top of the cheese, off of the lid, and it reminds me of a cream fraiche sort of mild and rich cultured cream, nearly a sour cream. Not very sweet at all. 

I let the cheese out on evenings so that it has alternating cold and cool environments for it to culture and form, without risking that it spoils, like I imagine it could, as a partly dairy cheese, and only a half-tablet of rennet, to begin with. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to separate the layers, or, perhaps, dig in to the bottom layers and take a taste of them, to see if they might be essential aspects of the final product; the malted milk liquid layer and tapioca, as starch, as experimental culinary adventurousness. I'll keep this blog post updated with the results.

Day 3:

I took a smell of the cheese, as I had left it out overnight, once again, and the layers had definitively separated well, and I knew that some of the product was waste from the microbial rennet culture. 

My new cheese bowl, after dumping the top layer and liquid middle layer out, over cheesecloth and mixing it all together. It had a sour smell, but when I mixed it with some honey bunch grain cereal, it made for a delightfully sweet and slightly tart morning dish. 

Compared to cottage cheese, which I had never tried before, because I had thought that it must taste gross (it doesn't, it just looks curdy):

Perhaps somewhat similar in taste, although my cheese was much more basic in ingredients. 

That was all! Just three days to a homemade cheese.


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