The notion of "wall-pigeons" had passed through my mind, in fact, recently.

I found the wall-pigeon, of real life to be (in this case), only one such a pigeon. 

Was he hurt? Confused? Somebody's escaped bird?

I stayed with the bird for a while, and I tossed him some soaked bagel, in case he was hungry. 

It turned out that the pigeon was a young one. There are many youngsters out and about this year; apparently the feeding and supplementation efforts have paid off in progeny of the birds along the major locales. 

As it turns out, the wall-pigeon is a young bird, and perhaps he couldn't make it to the cross-border rooftop perch, nearby the location, Immanuel Presbyterian Church, which (I believe), commonly feeds the homeless, in addition to attracting this pigeon flock. 

I hadn't been getting out to the Korea Town-area pigeons in recent weeks, because of the severe heat, and a lack of sufficient resources to feed the birds, on account of a small and limited budget; moreso towards the end of the month, at times. 

This summer had proven to be a significantly hot one, yet good for overnighting, on a jaunt, as I most definitely appeared as such, carrying a clear and large(r) plastic bag, rather than the common large black trash bag sort I would typically have, and be seen collecting recyclables with, in the DTLA and USC areas. 

With the day behind me, and Labor Day ahead of me, I was excited to fund my monthly budget considerations, as General Relief benefits come in on the 2nd of the month, this month happening, also, <superscript>[the 2nd of the month]</superscript>to be Labor Day - a notable partying day for young people; and for shedding off contexts of earlier times (short time-span-perspective, such as in the tradition of no longer wearing white while out and about. 

I found a white shirt. It was of decent quality, although slightly stained by splatters of stuff. Good enough for me; I work with splatters as a basis of work, as a recyclables collector and pigeon feeder - slash ( / ) blogger. 

I went out to the beach, originally; somewhat as a romantic notion; as I felt like I was highly visible and getting too familiar with [perhaps] locals, etc. (perhaps I might be seen as rude, for overachieving in collecting recyclables for too many days in a row) - sort of thing. 

The beach was packed and bangin', as I arrived. Thousands of people packed the several blocks from the Downtown Santa Monica Station out to the pier and the beach. I felt nervous, though; something was a bit fearful of me, as myself. 

Probably my iPad. I definitely have a bit of heat on me for having finally wrought through the challenges of previous months and years by purchasing an iPad. 

Anyways, I left the beach without much glory. Just digging through the trashcans on the beach and finding recyclables to stuff in to my bag. The point of the day (hey, actually beach was... 

... Hmm :-/ well, it was somewhere during the weekend; I still haven't slept.

So, I purchased an Apple Pencil, a transaction which I had arranged over the early hours of the morning on craigslist and on Facebook. It turned out that Facebook sellers were more responsive than craigslist sellers, and the one that responded from CL was really aloof in answering what the price was and one other question. He managed to tell me his name, though, and he never followed up to pursue me as an impulse buyer as a responsive person, within seconds.  

Given all of that, I'm getting old, and perhaps the new generation is more sold on alternative merchant retailing and self-starter initiative outlets like Facebook Marketplace, Google Shopping, Amazon, etc. 

By the way, I started also partnering with Shopify as a Shopify Partner, and I'm really excited over the features they offer and of the dynamic content and client / partner / app development designers and etc.; various tasks and occupations that connect Shopify as a brand to the merchant and as well, the developers and designers of stores. 

I'm set on working towards earning my certifications from Shopify Academy and attending more events. There's no small crimes robbery feeling about that whole aspect of life, as a prospect life persona to fulfill. 

Fwewwwwoooshhhh... That's what I'm dealing with, aside from feeding pigeons. 

Thankfully, I found a rolling luggage bag in Pasadena, and I hit Target's lighting sale, with bravo colors.

Jay Ammon's apartment home's kitchen and lighting, from Target's 2019 Labor Day one-day sale.
My newly cleaned kitchen and associated lighting.

 With all the luxe of the rolling luggage bag, I was able to shop maybe 7-10 times on one outing over the weekend, which totally kicked my endorphin meter wild. 

Anyways, here's some more pigeon photos, and I adjusted my take on how I might go about some future plots as to a standard day's schedule (somewhat). 

To be updated...


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